On Wednesday, April 10, 2024, during a plenary session led by the president of their age bureau, Gaston Nkole Tshimuangua, the members of the Kasaï Provincial Assembly elected the honorable Alain Tshisungu Ntumba from the UDPS as the head of this deliberative body.

Elected from Luebu, Alain Tshisungu Ntumba (UDPS) secured 17 out of 33 votes.

Gédéon Mataba (BPEC) was elected as vice-president while Joseph Kalombo (Codep) became the rapporteur. Freddy Mudibua and Soleil Malengu were elected as assistant rapporteur and questor respectively. According to the honorable Gaston Nkole Tshimuangua, the handover between his office and the incoming office will take place during the course of this week.

Boni Tsala