Mamie Mujanyi is the only female candidate for the governorship of the city of Kinshasa. Aware of the role and importance of women in the development of the Democratic Republic of Congo, and particularly in the city of Kinshasa, she aims to leverage dynamism and expertise from the moment she takes office.

It is important to note that Mrs. Mamie Mujanyi is married and a mother of 3 children; she is a businesswoman, economic strategist, and expert in social and community development. She is also the president of the International Movement of Dynamic Women of Africa (MIFDA), which brings together a network of women and young entrepreneurs. To date, the gubernatorial candidate has accomplished several projects in various sectors (economic and social).

With this perspective, she plans to introduce a new public management system respecting "decentralized" laws, an academy for skills enhancement that will allow her to generate the 24 burgomasters for each commune.

"This academy will work with the people of Kinshasa for a prosperous local economy that creates jobs. Kinshasa will function for the Kinois and will be extensively digitalized to reinforce transparency in the management of Kinshasa affairs," said the candidate, emphasizing that these community-focused solutions will be applied in various sectors of the city.

If elected, she promises to create incubators in each of the city's municipalities.

"Each commune will have an incubator, an innovation center to capture the local economy. We will work with SNEL and Regideso to ensure the availability and quality of their supplies by diversifying sources and techniques. For once, the city will genuinely listen to its citizens, and for that reason, we will organize competitions for cleanliness, security, quality of education, health care, and most importantly, the joy of living in a commune," she added.

Regarding the cleanliness of the city of Kinshasa, she said the dirt and insecurity are consequences of chronic poverty. To break this cycle, she intends to implement governance that respects state institutions. As for the working conditions of provincial deputies, these will be in good working conditions. "The national deputies and senators of Kinshasa will be among the partners," she promised. The election is scheduled for this Monday, April 29, in several provinces of the country.

Gisèle Mbuyi