Seventy-second in the world in 2023, the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC) have regressed to the 73rd place with an IndexPwr of 1.2491 compared to 2023, where they had an IndexPwr of 1.3055, according to the study by Global Fire Power. However, at the African level, the DRC has maintained its 8th place out of 37 listed countries. It held steady from 2023. In 2022, the DRC was in the 11th position among African military powers.

Egypt continues to lead the ranking with an army of several hundred thousand soldiers. It is followed by Algeria and then South Africa. Nigeria is in fourth place followed by Ethiopia 5th, Angola is sixth, and Morocco seventh on this list of 35 African countries.

This ranking is based on 60 criteria, including the number of active military personnel, naval strength, the availability of fuel for military operations, the number of fighter aircraft, the budget allocated to defense, and logistical flexibility.

Dido Nsapu