Appointed to the position of General Secretary of UDPS/Kibassa, Hermione Bolumbe Bakando was officially notified by the authorities of her party.

In her team, there is Alain Kyungu, as Assistant General Secretary in charge of political and administrative affairs, Aimé Bakila, Assistant General Secretary in charge of relations with other political formations and associations, John Kalenga, Assistant General Secretary in charge of defense and security, as well as Phanzu Marcel, Assistant General Secretary in charge of propaganda.

"I feel honored today by the choice made for me. It reflects the great vision of the Head of State, Félix Tshisekedi, who has made positive masculinity one of his priority battles," she declared.

And to add: "The country has a female Prime Minister for the first time in its history in the person of her excellency madam Judith Tuluka, and his excellency Augustin Kibasa has once again honored the Congolese woman by appointing me general secretary of the UDPS/Kibasa party. I take this opportunity to call on all party comrades to unity, discipline, and hard work."

"To all our federals, Hermione Bolumbe Bakando promised, I will be all ears to their grievances and difficulties so that the party shines even more in all our provinces. Long live the UDPS/Kibassa, Long live its moral authority and long live the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)."

Speaking of Hermione Bolumbe Bakando, she officially joined UDPS/Kibassa in May 2023.

Boni Tsala