The Provincial Assembly of the city of Kinshasa (APK) continues unfalteringly to examine its draft internal regulation. Out of the 260 clauses that this law comprises, 108 have already been adopted up to its plenary session on Wednesday, March 27. The session was presided over by its interim president, Amous Mbokoso.

The honorable Stève Kongolo, reporter of the Special Commission responsible for the drafting of this internal regulation emphasized: "We are making progress step by step. We have just adopted 108 articles out of the 260 that the internal regulation (RI) comprises. Tomorrow, if all goes well, we may finish. As a member of the commission, we are satisfied with the reaction of the plenary, because the articles are examined one after another with amendments if necessary. We examine the RI article by article. Those that do not pose any problem are adopted as such."

Presented to the plenary on Monday, March 25, the draft internal regulation of the APK was prepared from March 11 to 15 by a commission composed of about ten members. The deliberative body of the city of Kinshasa has 48 deputies including 44 elected members and 4 co-opted customary chiefs, from groupings in accordance with the Constitution.

Boni Tsala