This concerns North Kivu, North Ubangi, Kwilu, and Equateur.

The information was provided by Joseph Sanda, director of operations at the CENI, during his speech on Radio Okapi.

Initially scheduled for the current 29th of April, the elections for governors and senators have been postponed by the CENI for four in North Kivu, North Ubangi, Kwilu, and Equateur.

He noted that in North Kivu province, there is a state of siege due to the occupation of a part of the province by M23 rebels.

In two provinces, North Ubangi and Kwilu, following the cancellation of the legislative elections in Yakoma and Masimanimba.

The director of operations at the CENI, Joseph Sanda, confirmed that the elections will indeed take place on Monday, April 29, 2024, in the Ituri province, while in Equateur province, these elections will be held on the upcoming 7th of May, following the decision made on Thursday, April 25, 2024, by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Interior, Peter Kazadi, authorizing the resumption of activities at the provincial assembly, which had been suspended for nearly three weeks.

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