The office of the Provincial Assembly of the city of Kinshasa has convened a plenary session on Wednesday, May 8, in a communiqué signed by its rapporteur, André Nkongolo, to examine and adopt the draft constitution and the distribution of deputies in the various committees.

The communiqué specifies: "Six items are on the agenda for this plenary session, including the adoption of the minutes of the previous plenary sessions, the approval of the list of various parliamentary groups formed at the Provincial Assembly of Kinshasa, for the 2024-2028 term, the examination and adoption of the draft resolution concerning the constitution and distribution of deputies in the various permanent commissions of the Provincial Assembly of Kinshasa".

The same plenary session also planned, in particular, the establishment of a special commission responsible for examining the documents of the case on the invalidation of a provincial deputy and the validation of the powers of his replacement, the presentation of the report on the management of the Provincial Assembly of Kinshasa, in the first quarter of the current fiscal year, he adds.

Boni Tsala