These violent clashes have led to a mass exodus of the population, with more than 76,000 civilians having fled the region in recent days. It's another reason for MONUSCO to establish a number of humanitarian corridors to ensure the safety of civilian movements and facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid.

To prevent the alleged M23 rebels from advancing towards the towns of Sake and Goma, MONUSCO, in collaboration with the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC), and the peacekeepers are striving to defend Rwindi and maintain strategic positions along the main roads leading to Sake and Goma, as part of Operation Springbok.

However, it should be noted that the M23 offensive continues to expand in the Rutshuru territory, North Kivu, where there are localities falling under rebel control because the fishery at Vitshumbi, located on the shores of Lake Edward, was conquered without a fight, according to the interim chief of the Bwito chiefdom, mwami Nyamulagha Bukavu Kikandi III.

The Congolese armed forces and Wazalendo had to strategically withdraw to avoid collateral damage.

Gisèle Mbuyi