The Minister of Public Health, Hygiene, and Prevention, Dr. Samuel Roger Kamba, announced during a think tank meeting on support for the national response against Monkeypox and cholera, his intention to establish a task force against these epidemics.

He pointed out: "At the strategic level, we will particularly work with the directors of Africa CDC, the National Public Health Institute (INSP), the INRB, and the WHO representative at the technical level, we will conduct research on these diseases."

The Minister of Health indicated that Dr. Boureima Sambo, the WHO representative, will coordinate the activities that will be put in place to allow all stakeholders to meet every three months in order to find collective solutions to fight these epidemics, while also highlighting the importance of the commitment of technical and financial partners in fighting these epidemics in the DRC.

For his part, the director of Africa CDC, Dr. Jean Kaseya, noted that the decision of the minister is important. Because, as he supported, it allows bringing all partners together around the same table to support and find appropriate solutions to these diseases.

The various technical and financial partners of the Ministry of Health in the response against the epidemics were represented at this meeting.

Boni Tsala