Several individuals have been arrested while others, on the contrary, have been released. Among those recently apprehended is the president of the Tutsi community, Emmanuel Kamanzi Runigi, who is also the chairman of the board of the Association of Farming and Livestock Groupings of Kivu (ACOGENOKI) and a member of the intercommunal Barza. He was transferred to Kinshasa on Friday, March 22, after being questioned by security services in Goma.

Alex Bauma, president of the North Kivu intercommunal Barza, on his part, made it clear that it is up to the competent authorities and authorized services to summon anyone to verify the information they have. Several figures, including deputies and notables, have been questioned and taken to Kinshasa. Some have returned after being cleared of all suspicion. This is particularly the case with the president of the Hunde community as well as the provincial director of the ANR who was arrested about a month ago.

He went on to say that other figures, including a local elected official, were formally arrested and presented to the press. Many other detainees are still in the pre-judicial procedure, according to sources contacted by Radio Okapi. Following reactions and speculation in the local opinion, the president of the intercommunal Barza is calling on everyone to have faith in the Congolese judiciary.

Gisèle Mbuyi