The other name is Pius Papy Kandolo Mbinga. He replaces Amous Mbokoso at the Provincial Ministry of Budget, Planning, Civil Service, Social Welfare, Transport, and Communications.

In this reshuffle, Godelieve Phanzu remains at the Ministry of Land Affairs, Urban Planning, and Housing. Seven other ministers also keep their positions. Namely, Felicien Kuluta Ntulu at Finance; Flavien Nkui Misuru in charge of Energy, Fishing, and Livestock; Charles Mbutamuntu Lwanga as Minister to the Governor of the city in charge of relations with Parliament, Education, and Mines; Matthias Kanza Ne Kongo at Agriculture; Thierry Tshitenga Kabuya at ITPR; Liza Nembalemba Kapanga at Public Health; and Osé Badibanga Tshilumba retains his ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Humanitarian Actions.

Gisèle Mbuyi