The honorable Samuel Ajaruvwa Jalajek, provincial deputy of Ituri, was elected Thursday as the permanent president of the Provincial Assembly of this province following the elections held in the plenary hall of this institution, announces a correspondence from Bunia.

Regarding the position of vice president, the same source indicates, it goes to Masumbuko Adaba of the Union for the Congolese Nation (UNC), the position of vice president to Pelé Kaswara of the Union of Congolese Patriots (UPC) while the position of rapporteur is held by Dieudonné Sikoti of the United Block for the Renaissance of Congo (BUREC). As for the questorship, it will be occupied by Dieudonné Thabani of the UDPS.

As for the only woman who applied for the position of assistant rapporteur, she was unable to win over the majority male electorate.

Boni Tsala