On August 18, in Uvira, South Kivu, a solemn ceremony will honor the Xaverian missionaries Father Luigi Carrara, Father Giovanni Didoné, and Brother Vittorio Faccin, as well as the priest from Uvira, Abbot Albert Joubert, all of whom were killed in Baraka and Fizi on November 28, 1964, as a testament to their faith and devotion to serving the local communities as servants of God.

Born on November 21, 1908, in St Louis de Mrumbi at Moba, Albert Joubert was working with Father Didone in Fizi where they shared their ministry for two months before being killed due to persecution, it is learned. It should be noted that this nomination, the Holy See emphasizes, demonstrates the importance of this beatification for the Catholic Church, thereby acknowledging the ultimate sacrifice of these missionaries for their faith. Gisèle Mbuyi (GM/DNK/Yes)