The Networks of Young Congolese Women suggested peace, security, education, and young entrepreneurship as priorities during a day of reflection organized on Monday in Kinshasa to the Head of State, Félix Tshisekedi, and the Prime Minister, Judith Tuluka. Rosiane Kabangu, representative of Congolese youth within the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), stated: "It is within the framework of the campaign launched by the National Council of Youth (CNJ) that young women from various Networks in the DRC have chosen security, peace, education, and youth entrepreneurship among the top priorities to recommend to the Head of State for the upcoming five-year term."

Rosiane Kabangu further explained: "So the aim was to gather the opinions and suggestions of young women in order to prepare a roadmap within this campaign that will be submitted to the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister, to whom we will also send this advocacy to ensure the inclusivity of youth issues at the highest levels of governance. We want investment in the youth of our country because, as they say, youth is the future of tomorrow."

As for herself, Mrs. Princesse Ngamba, a cultural ambassador in the field of hairstyling, noted: "We have come to advocate so that women's voices can be heard in decision-making since we cannot sideline women in order to ensure representation. This," she asserted, "is also to allow women to have a say when there are major decisions to be made. We would also like the Head of State to be informed of what we discussed today so that we can see the outcomes."

She further pointed out that employment and entrepreneurship are a priority and an urgency because it is unemployment that creates insecurity, the "Kuluna" phenomenon, considering what becomes of many youths due to lack of work.

Boni Tsala