The Congolese Minister of State for Justice, Rose Mutombo, and a Zimbabwean investor, T. Paulo, President of "Prevail Group et Compagnies", met on Wednesday at the embassy of the DRC in Johannesburg, South Africa, to discuss the possibility of reaching an agreement in the area of prison infrastructure, sources close to the ministry announce.

T. Paulo stated: "We have had fruitful discussions with the Minister of State in charge of Justice which will be followed by other technical meetings in Kinshasa to reach an agreement in the area of infrastructure."

This investor also specified that: "Their exchanges focused particularly on "investment opportunities" in the much-needed construction of prison facilities in the DRC."

The primary objective of the Minister of State’s mission in charge of Justice in South Africa is to visit various correctional facilities and to identify expertise, with a view to taking useful measures in the DRC, it is recalled.

Boni Tsala