This ceremony took place in the presence of Mr. Paulin Lendongolia Lababonga, newly elected Governor of the Province, the ad interim Principal Technical Advisor of UNDP/ PDL-145T, Mr. Joseph Ezoua, the company SAFRICAS S.A., as well as several provincial authorities and personalities, including Mr. Didier Lomoyo Iteku, Deputy Governor, the Provincial Ministers, the Provincial Security Council, the Administrator of the Territory of Ubundu, and the Traditional Leaders. The Central Government was represented by Mr. Juvenal Kudia, Expert on the Technical Committee for Monitoring of the PDL-145T, representing the Ministry of Planning.

In his welcome speech, Mr. Kayeye, Director of the EP Madula, thanked the Head of State for the initiative of PDL-145 T and the Government for choosing UNDP as the Executing Agency. He also made a point of thanking SAFRICAS S.A., the UNDP partner that built the School. " (...) Our thanks to the Head of State, His Excellency Mr. Félix-Antoine TSHISEKEDI TSHILOMBO for having taken this initiative that is the PDL-145T and our encouragement to UNDP to continue the delivery of infrastructure (…)", mentioned the Provincial Governor.

For his part, Mr. Jonky Tenu, UNDP Kisangani Office Head, expressed the following during his speech: " (...) the inauguration of this beautiful School is the result of the ambitious program initiated by the Head of State and the Government to promote access to basic socio-economic services in the territories (…)", he noted.

And to specify: " (...) Today's official handover marks the beginning of a series of deliveries because 88 infrastructures are under construction in the Tshopo Province (…) ".

It should be noted that it was the Provincial Governor who proceeded with the ribbon-cutting before visiting the classrooms, while offering advice to directors and teachers to maintain and care for the infrastructure. He also encouraged students to make good use of this new setting for their education. Before officially receiving the keys handed over by the UNDP.

For this phase, the construction of 105 infrastructures in the Tshopo Province is planned, including 7 administrative buildings for the Territories, 41 Health Centers, and 57 Primary Schools spread across the 7 Territories as follows: Bafwasende (12), Banalia (15), Basoko (15), Isangi (23), Opala (12), Ubundu (16), Yahuma (12).

The Director, the teachers, and especially the population expressed the feeling of joy and emotion at seeing a school built with durable materials, well-equipped, and electrified in their village.

At this stage, the Province has 8 completed infrastructures, and in the coming weeks, the technical reception of 45 other infrastructures currently being finished and equipped is planned. The rest are subject to an accelerated plan.

Note that the PDL-145 Territory reflects the will of the Congolese authorities, through multisectoral public investments aimed at the rural world, to end territorial inequalities and poverty in rural areas by providing access to basic socio-economic services and promoting local development at the level of the 145 Territories.

Boni Tsala