Elected provincial deputy of the commune of Limete, Gérard Mulumbu (Gecoco) has decided to resign from his position as Deputy Governor of the city of Kinshasa, in favor of the provincial deputation.

He addressed a letter dated March 1 to the president of the Provincial Assembly of Kinshasa (APK) in which he notably wrote: "Having been elected provincial deputy of the city of Kinshasa in the December 2023 elections, and in accordance with the relevant provisions of Article 108 point 9 of the Constitution, I have resolved to resign from my duties as Deputy Governor of the city of Kinshasa.

A member of the UDPS, Gecoco Mulumba, was elected Deputy Governor of the city of Kinshasa on May 6, 2022 (with 46 votes out of 48 voters) he replaced Néron Mbungu at this position.

Attached is the resignation letter of Gecoco Mulumba

Boni Tsala