The President of the Republic, Félix Tshisekedi, has appointed Lieutenant General Padiri Bulenda David to the position of National Coordinator of the Defense Reserve Army in the Democratic Republic of Congo, as per a presidential ordinance read on Monday, December 4, 2023, on the Congolese national television (RTNC).

He will be assisted by Major General Mayanga Makishuba Janvier, appointed as Deputy National Coordinator of this structure in charge of organization and intelligence, and Brigadier General Godas Nsumpa Emery as Deputy National Coordinator responsible for recruitment and mobilization.

The Defense Reserve Army in the Democratic Republic of Congo is a new structure created by a presidential ordinance following the passage by parliament and enactment by the government of a bill establishing it.

Under Articles 63 and 64 of the Constitution, the defense reserve army is made up of several categories of individuals such as retired career military and security service personnel, those demobilized from mandatory or contractual military service, as well as civilian volunteers engaged in the defense of the country and its territorial integrity.

Boni Tsala