The information was delivered to the press in Goma, North Kivu, on March 28, by the military spokesperson for the MONUSCO Force, Lieutenant-Colonel Kedagni Menhsah. He indicated that the departure of these peacekeepers is part of the first phase of the MONUSCO's gradual disengagement from the DRC.

Lieutenant-Colonel Kedagni Menhsah clarified that other phases will follow and that the national security forces will give their best, especially after all the assistance and support received from this UN entity. According to him, MONUSCO has committed to implementing the new mandate for a gradual withdrawal, while enabling the local security forces to independently assume their responsibilities.

As a reminder, the base of the UN Mission in Kamanyola, South Kivu, has already been closed since February 28. It was handed over to the Congolese National Police.

Gisèle Mbuyi