As one expected it, the Ilunga Government's deadline is reached on the morning of Monday, August 26, 2019. The President of the Republic, Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, has appointed by Presidential Order the political figures members of the coalition government.

The new cabinet should be known by Tuesday. At the Head of State’ s demand, the special session of the Lower House of Parliament opened on Monday, August 19 to be closed on September 7, 2019.

It will be for the parliamentarians to audition the program of the Sylvestre Ilunga government and proceed to his investiture, then validate the mandate of some deputies dubbed by the Constitutional Court and the deputies of those who became senators. But for some deputies, this session especially sounded the death knell for the long wait of the new Government.

Below the full team of Sylvestre Ilunga Ilunkamba Government:

1. Deputy Prime Ministers

- Interior, Security and Customary Affairs: Gilbert Kankonde Malamba;

- Justice and Attorney General: Célestin Tunda Yakasende;

- Budget: Jean-Baudouin Mayo;

- Plan: Madame Elysée Minembwe;

- Infrastructure and Public Works: Willy Ngopos.

2. Ministers of State

- Foreign Affairs: Mrs Marie Tumba Nzeza;

- International Cooperation, Regional Integration and Francophonie: Guillaume Manjolo;

- Hydrocarbons: Mukindo Rubins;

- Decentralization and Institutional Reforms: Azarias Ruberwa;

- Hydraulic Resources and Electricity: Austache Mubembe;

- Employment, Work and Social Welfare: Mrs Néné Nkulu Ilunga;

- Secondary and Technical Primary Education: Willy Bakonga;

- Gender, Family and Child: Ms. Béatrice Lomeya;

- Hurbanism and Habitat: Pius Mwabilu;

- Communication and Media: Jolino Makelele.

3. Ministers

- National Defense and Veterans Affairs: Aimé Ngoyi Mukena;

- Public Service: Yolande Ebongo Osongo;

- Finance: José Sele;

- National Economy: Mrs. Atasia Andu Bola;

- Portfolio: Clement Kwete;

- Foreign Trade: Jean-Lucien Bussa;

- Mines: Willy Itobo;

- Posts, Telecommunications and New Information and Communication Technologies: Augustin Kibasa Maliba;

- Health: Eteni Longondo;

- Human Rights: André Lite;

- Relations with Parliament: Deogratias Nkusu Bikawa;

- Environment and Sustainable Development: Claude Nyamugabo;

- Transport and Communication Channels: Didier Mazengu;

- Agriculture: Jean Joseph Kasonga Mukuta;

- Fishing and Breeding: Jonathan Yalusuka Wata;

- Rural Development: Guy Mukulu Pombo;

- Social Affairs: Mrs. Rose Boyata Munkaju;

- Humanitarian Actions and National Solidarity: Steve Mbikayi;

- Higher and University Education: Thomas Luhaka;

- Scientific Research and Technological Innovation: José Mpanda Kabangu;

- Land Affairs: Aimé Sakombi Molendo;

- Industry: Julien Paluku;

- Professional Training, Arts and Crafts: John Ntumba;

- Territory Planning: Agge AJE Matembo;

- Middle Class, Small and Medium Enterprises Crafts: Justin Kalumba;

- Youth and Initiation to New Citizenship: Herastone Sambale;

- Sports and Leisure: Amos Mbayo;

- Tourism: Bokunlu Zola Yves;

- Culture and Arts: Jean-Marie Lukundji Kikuni;

- Minister Near the President of the Republic: André Kabanda Kana;

- Minister Near the Prime Minister: Mrs. Jacqueline Penge Sanganyoi;

4. Deputy Ministers

- Delegate to the Minister of National Defense and Veterans Affairs in charge of veterans: Sylvain Mutombo Kabinga;

- Delegate to the Minister of the Interior Security and Customary Affairs in charge of Customary Affairs: Michel Mvunzi Meya;

- Delegate to the Minister of Social Affairs for persons living with disabilities and other vulnerable persons: Mrs. Irène Esambo.

5. Deputy Ministers

- Justice: Bernard Katayishe Ngumbi;

- Interior: Innocent Bokele Walaka;

- Plan: Freddy Kita Pukusu;

- Budget: Felix Momat Kitenge;

- Foreign Affairs and Congolese Abroad: Raymond Tshedia Patayi;

- International and Regional Cooperation: Valérie Mukasa Muanabute;

- Hydrocarbons: Musa Mondo;

- Hydraulic Resources and Electricity: Papy Pungu Lwamba;

- Primary, Secondary and Technical Education: Didier Budimbu;

- Finance: Mata Melanga Junior;

- National Economy: Didier Lutundula Okito;

- Mines: Mrs. Alpha Denise Lupetu;

- Health: Albert Mpeti Iyombo;

- Environment: Mrs. Jeanne Ilunga Zahina;

- Teaching, Higher and University: Mrs Liliane Banga;

- Works and Communication Channels: Jacques Yuma Kipuya;

- Professional Training, Arts and Crafts: Germain Kambinga.
