The inter-union qualified of "forgery", a document which circulated the day before on the social networks making state of the suspension of the strike.

The administrative staff, the journalists as well as technicians, require the signature by the minister of Communication and Media of the new baremic grid for its effective insertion in the budget estimates 2022, but also the payment by the Minister in charge of the Budget of the balance of the wage scale signed between the trade-union bench and the government.

They also require the traceability of their social security contributions, but also the honourable exit of the workers having reached the retirement age.

"We want that the social security contributions impact on the situation of the personnel of the RTNC, whereas the funds submitted close to CNSS are diverted and credited in the Treasury under the order of the national director, it has not a traceability on this question, and the people in age of retirement has no future. One needs a responsible and qualified treatment as regards remuneration, consequently a scale of 2022 which can for a beginning relieve the sufferings of the agents ", declares Oscar Odia Tshifumba, national president of the inter-union.

A strike notice had been given since more than one week. This strike is observed in all the provincial stations of the RTNC.

Corneille Kinsala Nsoki
