General Dénis Kalume, former head of the National Service, former Minister in charge of Reconstruction, former Minister of the Interior and currently Ambassador of the DRC to Russia, is among the personalities chose to speak of M'Zee Laurent-Désiré Kabila.

It was therefore rightly that he was invited during the first public lesson organized by the Laurent-Désiré Kabila Foundation to pay a deserved tribute to the illustrious disappeared. Ambassador Kalume delved into the values carried by the father of the liberation of the DRC from the dictatorship, one of the most fouls the planet has ever known.

How Laurent-Désiré Kabila was able to conquer the hearts of Congolese to mobilize them to defend the homeland? Can we duplicate today in Beni what was done in 1998 when the population thwarted the invasion of the DRC by Rwanda from Kongo central? These are the questions that served as a common thread for Dénis Kalume's presentation.

With regard to the first question, the speaker said that the success of LD Kabila is due to the fact that he had set up a pedagogy carried by a series of values, namely patriotism, solidarity and civility. These values were later internalized by the Congolese who, having a passion for the country, disarmed the armed aggressors.

LD Kabila has set up certain structures such as the National Service where young people have learned agriculture and have had para-military training. He created the Popular Self-Defense Forces (FAP) and the CPP.

How to duplicate the experience of 1998 in Beni plagued by recurrent insecurity? For Ambassador Dénis Kalume, the population needs moral rearmament by reactivating the values taught by Laurent-Désiré Kabila.

The Congolese must be aware of the threats hanging over the country, internalize the values of patriotism, solidarity and good citizenship, and finally take action to defend and preserve the integrity of the national territory.

Corneille Kinsala N’soki